Ordering will typically be cut off the Tuesday of the last full week prior to the new month starting, no orders will be accepted after the due date.
FIRST TIME LOGGING IN THIS SCHOOL YEAR? Scroll down to see our "Instructions for Getting Started" below.
FORGOT YOUR USERNAME OR PASSWORD? Click the "Forgot Password" Menu tab in the upper right above the Login box.
PAYMENT METHODS? PayPal or e-Transfer
NEED TO CHANGE YOUR ORDER? While we have limited ability to change orders, contact us and we will let you know if we can accommodate you.
CHILD ABSENT? If your child is away, please let their teacher know what you would prefer to have the food given to a sibling or another student. If you are able to come in to pick up their lunch, please contact the office to arrange for pickup after 12:30.
REFUNDS? We will only refund by crediting your account, no cash will be refunded.
or contact Rachel at hofmanrachel@gmail.com for more information
OTHER QUESTIONS: email Julien at juliennpgrant@gmail.com for questions about online ordering or Hayley at hayleyjm@gmail.com for questions regarding payments
We hope you enjoy the convenience of our online ordering system. We appreciate your business and help with our fundraiser!
Register as a parent - (if you have already registered in a previous session, skip to #3)
Click on "Click Here to Register".
After this first time you can log back in using whatever userID and password you choose.
The email address you provide will be used to send you confirmation of your orders, and a reminder each Sunday of what you ordered for your child(ren) for the following week. In order to carry through any credits you may have from last year, you need to register with the same email address as last year so that the account will be linked.
Click on "Register Now" button at the bottom
The access code is alpha1
Enter all your children into the system
Click on "Students" and follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends our school
The system will automatically fill in their last name, but please edit this if their last name is not the same as your own
Place all your orders for each child
Click on "Orders" and proceed to place orders for each of your children.
When ordering lunches, select all the items you want to order and then scroll down to check out.
Pay - After placing all your orders, you can choose
"Pay Now With PayPal" (to complete your payment online using PayPal or to pay by Visa, Visa Debit, Mastercard or American Express as a one-time transaction.)
Or - you can send an e-Transfer to ppehotlunch@gmail.com using the password "Okotoks"
If you need to pay via cash or cheque, please notify Hayley at hayleyjm@gmail.com. Then print the remittance form from your order and include with your cash or cheque to be dropped off at the school office.
Remember that your payment has to reach the school before the ordering and payment cutoff date.
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